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Heritage Urn Vault/Polyethylene/Black Granite
SKU: G0000-20014

Availability: In stock

Product Description


The Heritage urn vaults are compact, square cut, each with a lid that can be affixed to create a permanently sealed vault. Urn vaults are nestable for easy storage and reduced shipping costs.The cut stone look of these durable plastic urn containersis iconic and reassuring at the interment. We know what makes the difference in cemetery services: special attention to details. That’s why the Heritage urn vaults are made with simple, clean lines, and are durable by design using the finest available materials. Each vault has enough space for personal items to be lovingly placed with the urn. Families appreciate the final view of memorabilia lovingly placed next to the urn.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Categories Funeral Home / Urn Vaults
SKU G0000-20014
Width 8''
Length 8''
Height 11"